Emergent Mind

Direct Quantum Communications in the Presence of Realistic Noisy Entanglement

Published Dec 22, 2020 in quant-ph , cs.IT , and math.IT


To realize the Quantum Internet, quantum communications require pre-shared entanglement among quantum nodes. However, both the generation and the distribution of the maximally-entangled quantum states are inherently contaminated by quantum decoherence. Conventionally, the quantum decoherence is mitigated by performing the consecutive steps of quantum entanglement distillation followed by quantum teleportation. However, this conventional approach imposes a long delay. To circumvent this impediment, we propose a novel quantum communication scheme relying on realistic noisy pre-shared entanglement, which eliminates the sequential steps imposing delay in the standard approach. More precisely, our proposed scheme can be viewed as a direct quantum communication scheme capable of improving the quantum bit error ratio (QBER) of the logical qubits despite relying on realistic noisy pre-shared entanglement. Our performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme offers competitive QBER, yield, and goodput compared to the existing state-of-the-art quantum communication schemes, despite requiring fewer quantum gates.

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