Emergent Mind

Variable-Shot Adaptation for Online Meta-Learning

Published Dec 14, 2020 in cs.LG and cs.AI


Few-shot meta-learning methods consider the problem of learning new tasks from a small, fixed number of examples, by meta-learning across static data from a set of previous tasks. However, in many real world settings, it is more natural to view the problem as one of minimizing the total amount of supervision both the number of examples needed to learn a new task and the amount of data needed for meta-learning. Such a formulation can be studied in a sequential learning setting, where tasks are presented in sequence. When studying meta-learning in this online setting, a critical question arises: can meta-learning improve over the sample complexity and regret of standard empirical risk minimization methods, when considering both meta-training and adaptation together? The answer is particularly non-obvious for meta-learning algorithms with complex bi-level optimizations that may demand large amounts of meta-training data. To answer this question, we extend previous meta-learning algorithms to handle the variable-shot settings that naturally arise in sequential learning: from many-shot learning at the start, to zero-shot learning towards the end. On sequential learning problems, we find that meta-learning solves the full task set with fewer overall labels and achieves greater cumulative performance, compared to standard supervised methods. These results suggest that meta-learning is an important ingredient for building learning systems that continuously learn and improve over a sequence of problems.

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