Emergent Mind

Facts2Story: Controlling Text Generation by Key Facts

Published Dec 8, 2020 in cs.CL


Recent advancements in self-attention neural network architectures have raised the bar for open-ended text generation. Yet, while current methods are capable of producing a coherent text which is several hundred words long, attaining control over the content that is being generated -- as well as evaluating it -- are still open questions. We propose a controlled generation task which is based on expanding a sequence of facts, expressed in natural language, into a longer narrative. We introduce human-based evaluation metrics for this task, as well as a method for deriving a large training dataset. We evaluate three methods on this task, based on fine-tuning pre-trained models. We show that while auto-regressive, unidirectional Language Models such as GPT2 produce better fluency, they struggle to adhere to the requested facts. We propose a plan-and-cloze model (using fine-tuned XLNet) which produces competitive fluency while adhering to the requested content.

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