Emergent Mind

Visual Aware Hierarchy Based Food Recognition

Published Dec 6, 2020 in cs.CV


Food recognition is one of the most important components in image-based dietary assessment. However, due to the different complexity level of food images and inter-class similarity of food categories, it is challenging for an image-based food recognition system to achieve high accuracy for a variety of publicly available datasets. In this work, we propose a new two-step food recognition system that includes food localization and hierarchical food classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as the backbone architecture. The food localization step is based on an implementation of the Faster R-CNN method to identify food regions. In the food classification step, visually similar food categories can be clustered together automatically to generate a hierarchical structure that represents the semantic visual relations among food categories, then a multi-task CNN model is proposed to perform the classification task based on the visual aware hierarchical structure. Since the size and quality of dataset is a key component of data driven methods, we introduce a new food image dataset, VIPER-FoodNet (VFN) dataset, consists of 82 food categories with 15k images based on the most commonly consumed foods in the United States. A semi-automatic crowdsourcing tool is used to provide the ground-truth information for this dataset including food object bounding boxes and food object labels. Experimental results demonstrate that our system can significantly improve both classification and recognition performance on 4 publicly available datasets and the new VFN dataset.

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