Emergent Mind


Few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims at learning a detector that can fast adapt to previously unseen objects with scarce annotated examples, which is challenging and demanding. Existing methods solve this problem by performing subtasks of classification and localization utilizing a shared component (e.g., RoI head) in the detector, yet few of them take the distinct preferences of two subtasks towards feature embedding into consideration. In this paper, we carefully analyze the characteristics of FSOD, and present that a general few-shot detector should consider the explicit decomposition of two subtasks, as well as leveraging information from both of them to enhance feature representations. To the end, we propose a simple yet effective Adaptive Fully-Dual Network (AFD-Net). Specifically, we extend Faster R-CNN by introducing Dual Query Encoder and Dual Attention Generator for separate feature extraction, and Dual Aggregator for separate model reweighting. Spontaneously, separate state estimation is achieved by the R-CNN detector. Besides, for the acquisition of enhanced feature representations, we further introduce Adaptive Fusion Mechanism to adaptively perform feature fusion in different subtasks. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO in various settings show that, our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance by a large margin, demonstrating its effectiveness and generalization ability.

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