Emergent Mind

Best response dynamics on random graphs

Published Nov 25, 2020 in math.CO , cs.GT , and math.PR


We consider evolutionary games on a population whose underlying topology of interactions is determined by a binomial random graph $G(n,p)$. Our focus is on 2-player symmetric games with 2 strategies played between the incident members of such a population. Players update their strategies synchronously. At each round, each player selects the strategy that is the best response to the current set of strategies its neighbours play. We show that such a system reduces to generalised majority and minority dynamics. We show rapid convergence to unanimity for $p$ in a range that depends on a certain characteristic of the payoff matrix. In the presence of a bias among the pure Nash equilibria of the game, we determine a sharp threshold on $p$ above which the largest connected component reaches unanimity with high probability. For $p$ below this critical value, where this does not happen, we identify those substructures inside the largest component that remain discordant throughout the evolution of the system.

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