Emergent Mind

Recalibration of Neural Networks for Point Cloud Analysis

Published Nov 25, 2020 in cs.CV and cs.AI


Spatial and channel re-calibration have become powerful concepts in computer vision. Their ability to capture long-range dependencies is especially useful for those networks that extract local features, such as CNNs. While re-calibration has been widely studied for image analysis, it has not yet been used on shape representations. In this work, we introduce re-calibration modules on deep neural networks for 3D point clouds. We propose a set of re-calibration blocks that extend Squeeze and Excitation blocks and that can be added to any network for 3D point cloud analysis that builds a global descriptor by hierarchically combining features from multiple local neighborhoods. We run two sets of experiments to validate our approach. First, we demonstrate the benefit and versatility of our proposed modules by incorporating them into three state-of-the-art networks for 3D point cloud analysis: PointNet++, DGCNN, and RSCNN. We evaluate each network on two tasks: object classification on ModelNet40, and object part segmentation on ShapeNet. Our results show an improvement of up to 1% in accuracy for ModelNet40 compared to the baseline method. In the second set of experiments, we investigate the benefits of re-calibration blocks on Alzheimer's Disease (AD) diagnosis. Our results demonstrate that our proposed methods yield a 2% increase in accuracy for diagnosing AD and a 2.3% increase in concordance index for predicting AD onset with time-to-event analysis. Concluding, re-calibration improves the accuracy of point cloud architectures, while only minimally increasing the number of parameters.

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