Emergent Mind


During a disaster event, images shared on social media helps crisis managers gain situational awareness and assess incurred damages, among other response tasks. Recent advances in computer vision and deep neural networks have enabled the development of models for real-time image classification for a number of tasks, including detecting crisis incidents, filtering irrelevant images, classifying images into specific humanitarian categories, and assessing the severity of damage. Despite several efforts, past works mainly suffer from limited resources (i.e., labeled images) available to train more robust deep learning models. In this study, we propose new datasets for disaster type detection, and informativeness classification, and damage severity assessment. Moreover, we relabel existing publicly available datasets for new tasks. We identify exact- and near-duplicates to form non-overlapping data splits, and finally consolidate them to create larger datasets. In our extensive experiments, we benchmark several state-of-the-art deep learning models and achieve promising results. We release our datasets and models publicly, aiming to provide proper baselines as well as to spur further research in the crisis informatics community.

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