Emergent Mind

Centrality Measures in Complex Networks: A Survey

Published Nov 14, 2020 in cs.SI


In complex networks, each node has some unique characteristics that define the importance of the node based on the given application-specific context. These characteristics can be identified using various centrality metrics defined in the literature. Some of these centrality measures can be computed using local information of the node, such as degree centrality and semi-local centrality measure. Others use global information of the network like closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, Katz centrality, PageRank, and so on. In this survey, we discuss these centrality measures and the state of the art literature that includes the extension of centrality measures to different types of networks, methods to update centrality values in dynamic networks, methods to identify top-k nodes, approximation algorithms, open research problems related to the domain, and so on. The paper is concluded with a discussion on application specific centrality measures that will help to choose a centrality measure based on the network type and application requirements.

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