Emergent Mind

Topology of Frame Field Design for Hex Meshing

Published Nov 10, 2020 in math.AT , cs.CG , and cs.GR


In the past decade frame fields have emerged as a promising approach for generating hexahedral meshes for CFD and CAE applications. One important problem asks for construction of a boundary-aligned frame field with prescribed singularity constraints over a volume that corresponds to a valid hexahedral mesh. We give a necessary and sufficient condition in terms of solutions to a system of monomial equations with variables in the binary octahedral group when a boundary frame field and singularity graph have been fixed. This is phrased with respect to general $CW$-decompositions of the volume, which allows some flexibility in simplifying these systems. Along the way we look at frame field design from an algebraic topological perspective, proving various results, some known, some new.

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