Emergent Mind


We propose to leverage recent advances in reliable 2D pose estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to estimate the 3D pose of people from depth images in multi-person Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) scenarios. Our method is based on the observation that using the depth information to obtain 3D lifted points from 2D body landmark detections provides a rough estimate of the true 3D human pose, thus requiring only a refinement step. In that line our contributions are threefold. (i) we propose to perform 3D pose estimation from depth images by decoupling 2D pose estimation and 3D pose refinement; (ii) we propose a deep-learning approach that regresses the residual pose between the lifted 3D pose and the true 3D pose; (iii) we show that despite its simplicity, our approach achieves very competitive results both in accuracy and speed on two public datasets and is therefore appealing for multi-person HRI compared to recent state-of-the-art methods.

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