Emergent Mind

Ridge Regression with Frequent Directions: Statistical and Optimization Perspectives

Published Nov 6, 2020 in cs.LG , cs.DS , and stat.ML


Despite its impressive theory & practical performance, Frequent Directions (\acrshort{fd}) has not been widely adopted for large-scale regression tasks. Prior work has shown randomized sketches (i) perform worse in estimating the covariance matrix of the data than \acrshort{fd}; (ii) incur high error when estimating the bias and/or variance on sketched ridge regression. We give the first constant factor relative error bounds on the bias & variance for sketched ridge regression using \acrshort{fd}. We complement these statistical results by showing that \acrshort{fd} can be used in the optimization setting through an iterative scheme which yields high-accuracy solutions. This improves on randomized approaches which need to compromise the need for a new sketch every iteration with speed of convergence. In both settings, we also show using \emph{Robust Frequent Directions} further enhances performance.

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