Emergent Mind

Fake News Detection through Graph Comment Advanced Learning

Published Nov 3, 2020 in cs.SI


Disinformation has long been regarded as a severe social problem, where fake news is one of the most representative issues. What is worse, today's highly developed social media makes fake news widely spread at incredible speed, bringing in substantial harm to various aspects of human life. Yet, the popularity of social media also provides opportunities to better detect fake news. Unlike conventional means which merely focus on either content or user comments, effective collaboration of heterogeneous social media information, including content and context factors of news, users' comments and the engagement of social media with users, will hopefully give rise to better detection of fake news. Motivated by the above observations, a novel detection framework, namely graph comment-user advanced learning framework (GCAL) is proposed in this paper. User-comment information is crucial but not well studied in fake news detection. Thus, we model user-comment context through network representation learning based on heterogeneous graph neural network. We conduct experiments on two real-world datasets, which demonstrate that the proposed joint model outperforms 8 state-of-the-art baseline methods for fake news detection (at least 4% in Accuracy, 7% in Recall and 5% in F1). Moreover, the proposed method is also explainable.

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