Emergent Mind

Sample-efficient reinforcement learning using deep Gaussian processes

Published Nov 2, 2020 in stat.ML and cs.LG


Reinforcement learning provides a framework for learning to control which actions to take towards completing a task through trial-and-error. In many applications observing interactions is costly, necessitating sample-efficient learning. In model-based reinforcement learning efficiency is improved by learning to simulate the world dynamics. The challenge is that model inaccuracies rapidly accumulate over planned trajectories. We introduce deep Gaussian processes where the depth of the compositions introduces model complexity while incorporating prior knowledge on the dynamics brings smoothness and structure. Our approach is able to sample a Bayesian posterior over trajectories. We demonstrate highly improved early sample-efficiency over competing methods. This is shown across a number of continuous control tasks, including the half-cheetah whose contact dynamics have previously posed an insurmountable problem for earlier sample-efficient Gaussian process based models.

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