Emergent Mind

Two-stage coding over the Z-channel

Published Oct 30, 2020 in cs.IT , cs.DM , and math.IT


In this paper, we discuss two-stage encoding algorithms capable of correcting a fraction of asymmetric errors. Suppose that the encoder transmits $n$ binary symbols $(x1,\ldots,xn)$ one-by-one over the Z-channel, in which a 1 is received only if a 1 is transmitted. At some designated moment, say $n1$, the encoder uses noiseless feedback and adjusts further encoding strategy based on the partial output of the channel $(y1,\ldots,y{n1})$. The goal is to transmit error-free as much information as possible under the assumption that the total number of errors inflicted by the Z-channel is limited by $\tau n$, $0<\tau<1$. We propose an encoding strategy that uses a list-decodable code at the first stage and a high-error low-rate code at the second stage. This strategy and our converse result yield that there is a sharp transition at $\tau=\max\limits_{0<w<1}\frac{w + w3}{1+4w3}\approx 0.44$ from positive rate to zero rate for two-stage encoding strategies. As side results, we derive bounds on the size of list-decodable codes for the Z-channel and prove that for a fraction $1/4+\epsilon$ of asymmetric errors, an error-correcting code contains at most $O(\epsilon{-3/2})$ codewords.

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