Emergent Mind

Twice is enough for dangerous eigenvalues

Published Oct 19, 2020 in math.NA and cs.NA


We analyze the stability of a class of eigensolvers that target interior eigenvalues with rational filters. We show that subspace iteration with a rational filter is robust even when an eigenvalue is near a filter's pole. These dangerous eigenvalues contribute to large round-off errors in the first iteration, but are self-correcting in later iterations. For matrices with orthogonal eigenvectors (e.g., real-symmetric or complex Hermitian), two iterations is enough to reduce round-off errors to the order of the unit-round off. In contrast, Krylov methods accelerated by rational filters with fixed poles typically fail to converge to unit round-off accuracy when an eigenvalue is close to a pole. In the context of Arnoldi with shift-and-invert enhancement, we demonstrate a simple restart strategy that recovers full precision in the target eigenpairs.

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