Emergent Mind

Neuralizing Efficient Higher-order Belief Propagation

Published Oct 19, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


Graph neural network models have been extensively used to learn node representations for graph structured data in an end-to-end setting. These models often rely on localized first order approximations of spectral graph convolutions and hence are unable to capture higher-order relational information between nodes. Probabilistic Graphical Models form another class of models that provide rich flexibility in incorporating such relational information but are limited by inefficient approximate inference algorithms at higher order. In this paper, we propose to combine these approaches to learn better node and graph representations. First, we derive an efficient approximate sum-product loopy belief propagation inference algorithm for higher-order PGMs. We then embed the message passing updates into a neural network to provide the inductive bias of the inference algorithm in end-to-end learning. This gives us a model that is flexible enough to accommodate domain knowledge while maintaining the computational advantage. We further propose methods for constructing higher-order factors that are conditioned on node and edge features and share parameters wherever necessary. Our experimental evaluation shows that our model indeed captures higher-order information, substantially outperforming state-of-the-art $k$-order graph neural networks in molecular datasets.

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