Emergent Mind

Continuous window functions for NFFT

Published Oct 14, 2020 in math.NA and cs.NA


In this paper, we study the error behavior of the nonequispaced fast Fourier transform (NFFT). This approximate algorithm is mainly based on the convenient choice of a compactly supported window function. Here we consider the continuous Kaiser--Bessel, continuous $\exp$-type, $\sinh$-type, and continuous $\cosh$-type window functions with the same support and same shape parameter. We present novel explicit error estimates for NFFT with such a window function and derive rules for the optimal choice of the parameters involved in NFFT. The error constant of a window function depends mainly on the oversampling factor and the truncation parameter. For the considered continuous window functions, the error constants have an exponential decay with respect to the truncation parameter.

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