Emergent Mind

Revisiting BFloat16 Training

Published Oct 13, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


State-of-the-art generic low-precision training algorithms use a mix of 16-bit and 32-bit precision, creating the folklore that 16-bit hardware compute units alone are not enough to maximize model accuracy. As a result, deep learning accelerators are forced to support both 16-bit and 32-bit floating-point units (FPUs), which is more costly than only using 16-bit FPUs for hardware design. We ask: can we train deep learning models only with 16-bit floating-point units, while still matching the model accuracy attained by 32-bit training? Towards this end, we study 16-bit-FPU training on the widely adopted BFloat16 unit. While these units conventionally use nearest rounding to cast output to 16-bit precision, we show that nearest rounding for model weight updates often cancels small updates, which degrades the convergence and model accuracy. Motivated by this, we study two simple techniques well-established in numerical analysis, stochastic rounding and Kahan summation, to remedy the model accuracy degradation in 16-bit-FPU training. We demonstrate that these two techniques can enable up to 7% absolute validation accuracy gain in 16-bit-FPU training. This leads to 0.1% lower to 0.2% higher validation accuracy compared to 32-bit training across seven deep learning applications.

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