Emergent Mind

Lattice (List) Decoding Near Minkowski's Inequality

Published Oct 9, 2020 in cs.IT , cs.DS , and math.IT


Minkowski proved that any $n$-dimensional lattice of unit determinant has a nonzero vector of Euclidean norm at most $\sqrt{n}$; in fact, there are $2{\Omega(n)}$ such lattice vectors. Lattices whose minimum distances come close to Minkowski's bound provide excellent sphere packings and error-correcting codes in $\mathbb{R}{n}$. The focus of this work is a certain family of efficiently constructible $n$-dimensional lattices due to Barnes and Sloane, whose minimum distances are within an $O(\sqrt{\log n})$ factor of Minkowski's bound. Our primary contribution is a polynomial-time algorithm that list decodes this family to distances approaching $1/\sqrt{2}$ of the minimum distance. The main technique is to decode Reed-Solomon codes under error measured in the Euclidean norm, using the Koetter-Vardy "soft decision" variant of the Guruswami-Sudan list-decoding algorithm.

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