Emergent Mind

Adaptive Self-training for Few-shot Neural Sequence Labeling

Published Oct 7, 2020 in cs.CL , cs.AI , and cs.LG


Sequence labeling is an important technique employed for many NLP tasks, such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), slot tagging for dialog systems and semantic parsing. Large-scale pre-trained language models obtain very good performance on these tasks when fine-tuned on large amounts of task-specific labeled data. However, such large-scale labeled datasets are difficult to obtain for several tasks and domains due to the high cost of human annotation as well as privacy and data access constraints for sensitive user applications. This is exacerbated for sequence labeling tasks requiring such annotations at token-level. In this work, we develop techniques to address the label scarcity challenge for neural sequence labeling models. Specifically, we develop self-training and meta-learning techniques for training neural sequence taggers with few labels. While self-training serves as an effective mechanism to learn from large amounts of unlabeled data -- meta-learning helps in adaptive sample re-weighting to mitigate error propagation from noisy pseudo-labels. Extensive experiments on six benchmark datasets including two for massive multilingual NER and four slot tagging datasets for task-oriented dialog systems demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. With only 10 labeled examples for each class for each task, our method obtains 10% improvement over state-of-the-art systems demonstrating its effectiveness for the low-resource setting.

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