Emergent Mind

Single-frame far-field diffractive imaging with randomized illumination

Published Oct 6, 2020 in physics.optics , cond-mat.mtrl-sci , and eess.IV


We introduce a single-frame diffractive imaging method called randomized probe imaging (RPI). In RPI, a sample is illuminated by a structured probe field containing speckles smaller than the sample's typical feature size. Quantitative amplitude and phase images are then reconstructed from the resulting far-field diffraction pattern. The experimental geometry of RPI is straightforward to implement, requires no near-field optics, and is applicable to extended samples. When the resulting data are analyzed with a complimentary algorithm, reliable reconstructions which are robust to missing data are achieved. To realize these benefits, a resolution limit associated with the numerical aperture of the probe-forming optics is imposed. RPI therefore offers an attractive modality for quantitative X-ray phase imaging when temporal resolution and reliability are critical but spatial resolution in the tens of nanometers is sufficient. We discuss the method, introduce a reconstruction algorithm, and present two proof-of-concept experiments: one using visible light, and one using soft X-rays.

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