Emergent Mind

A Study for Universal Adversarial Attacks on Texture Recognition

Published Oct 4, 2020 in cs.CV


Given the outstanding progress that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made on natural image classification and object recognition problems, it is shown that deep learning methods can achieve very good recognition performance on many texture datasets. However, while CNNs for natural image classification/object recognition tasks have been revealed to be highly vulnerable to various types of adversarial attack methods, the robustness of deep learning methods for texture recognition is yet to be examined. In our paper, we show that there exist small image-agnostic/univesal perturbations that can fool the deep learning models with more than 80\% of testing fooling rates on all tested texture datasets. The computed perturbations using various attack methods on the tested datasets are generally quasi-imperceptible, containing structured patterns with low, middle and high frequency components.

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