Emergent Mind


Metric learning is one of the techniques in manifold learning with the goal of finding a projection subspace for increasing and decreasing the inter- and intra-class variances, respectively. Some of the metric learning methods are based on triplet learning with anchor-positive-negative triplets. Large margin metric learning for nearest neighbor classification is one of the fundamental methods to do this. Recently, Siamese networks have been introduced with the triplet loss. Many triplet mining methods have been developed for Siamese networks; however, these techniques have not been applied on the triplets of large margin metric learning for nearest neighbor classification. In this work, inspired by the mining methods for Siamese networks, we propose several triplet mining techniques for large margin metric learning. Moreover, a hierarchical approach is proposed, for acceleration and scalability of optimization, where triplets are selected by stratified sampling in hierarchical hyper-spheres. We analyze the proposed methods on three publicly available datasets, i.e., Fisher Iris, ORL faces, and MNIST datasets.

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