Emergent Mind

Applying Type Oriented Programming to the PGAS Memory Model

Published Sep 26, 2020 in cs.PL


The Partitioned Global Address Space memory model has been popularised by a number of languages and applications. However this abstraction can often result in the programmer having to rely on some in built choices and with this implicit parallelism, with little assistance by the programmer, the scalability and performance of the code heavily depends on the compiler and choice of application. We propose an approach, type oriented programming, where all aspects of parallelism are encoded via types and the type system. The type information associated by the programmer will determine, for instance, how an array is allocated, partitioned and distributed. With this rich, high level of information the compiler can generate an efficient target executable. If the programmer wishes to omit detailed type information then the compiler will rely on well documented and safe default behaviour which can be tuned at a later date with the addition of types. The type oriented parallel programming language Mesham, which follows the PGAS memory model, is presented. We illustrate how, if so wished, with the use of types one can tune all parameters and options associated with this PGAS model in a clean and consistent manner without rewriting large portions of code. An FFT case study is presented and considered both in terms of programmability and performance - the latter we demonstrate by a comparison with an existing FFT solver.

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