Emergent Mind


Light field (LF) images acquired by hand-held devices usually suffer from low spatial resolution as the limited detector resolution has to be shared with the angular dimension. LF spatial super-resolution (SR) thus becomes an indispensable part of the LF camera processing pipeline. The high-dimensionality characteristic and complex geometrical structure of LF images make the problem more challenging than traditional single-image SR. The performance of existing methods is still limited as they fail to thoroughly explore the coherence among LF sub-aperture images (SAIs) and are insufficient in accurately preserving the scene's parallax structure. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel learning-based LF spatial SR framework. Specifically, each SAI of an LF image is first coarsely and individually super-resolved by exploring the complementary information among SAIs with selective combinatorial geometry embedding. To achieve efficient and effective selection of the complementary information, we propose two novel sub-modules conducted hierarchically: the patch selector provides an option of retrieving similar image patches based on offline disparity estimation to handle large-disparity correlations; and the SAI selector adaptively and flexibly selects the most informative SAIs to improve the embedding efficiency. To preserve the parallax structure among the reconstructed SAIs, we subsequently append a consistency regularization network trained over a structure-aware loss function to refine the parallax relationships over the coarse estimation. In addition, we extend the proposed method to irregular LF data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first learning-based SR method for irregular LF data. Experimental results over both synthetic and real-world LF datasets demonstrate the significant advantage of our approach over state-of-the-art methods.

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