Emergent Mind

Lic-Sec: an enhanced AppArmor Docker security profile generator

Published Sep 24, 2020 in cs.CR


Along with the rapid development of cloud computing technology, containerization technology has drawn much attention from both industry and academia. In this paper, we perform a comparative measurement analysis of Docker-sec, which is a Linux Security Module proposed in 2018, and a new AppArmor profile generator called Lic-Sec, which combines Docker-sec with a modified version of LiCShield, which is also a Linux Security Module proposed in 2015. Docker-sec and LiCShield can be used to enhance Docker container security based on mandatory access control and allows protection of the container without manually configurations. Lic-Sec brings together their strengths and provides stronger protection. We evaluate the effectiveness and performance of Docker-sec and Lic-Sec by testing them with real-world attacks. We generate an exploit database with 42 exploits effective on Docker containers selected from the latest 400 exploits on Exploit-db. We launch these exploits on containers spawned with Docker-sec and Lic-Sec separately. Our evaluations show that for demanding images, Lic-Sec gives protection for all privilege escalation attacks for which Docker-sec failed to give protection.

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