Emergent Mind


Feature selection aims to select a subset of features to optimize the performances of downstream predictive tasks. Recently, multi-agent reinforced feature selection (MARFS) has been introduced to automate feature selection, by creating agents for each feature to select or deselect corresponding features. Although MARFS enjoys the automation of the selection process, MARFS suffers from not just the data complexity in terms of contents and dimensionality, but also the exponentially-increasing computational costs with regard to the number of agents. The raised concern leads to a new research question: Can we simplify the selection process of agents under reinforcement learning context so as to improve the efficiency and costs of feature selection? To address the question, we develop a single-agent reinforced feature selection approach integrated with restructured choice strategy. Specifically, the restructured choice strategy includes: 1) we exploit only one single agent to handle the selection task of multiple features, instead of using multiple agents. 2) we develop a scanning method to empower the single agent to make multiple selection/deselection decisions in each round of scanning. 3) we exploit the relevance to predictive labels of features to prioritize the scanning orders of the agent for multiple features. 4) we propose a convolutional auto-encoder algorithm, integrated with the encoded index information of features, to improve state representation. 5) we design a reward scheme that take into account both prediction accuracy and feature redundancy to facilitate the exploration process. Finally, we present extensive experimental results to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method.

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