Emergent Mind


In this paper, we consider the use of Total Variation (TV) minimization for compressive imaging; that is, image reconstruction from subsampled measurements. Focusing on two important imaging modalities -- namely, Fourier imaging and structured binary imaging via the Walsh--Hadamard transform -- we derive uniform recovery guarantees asserting stable and robust recovery for arbitrary random sampling strategies. Using this, we then derive a class of theoretically-optimal sampling strategies. For Fourier sampling, we show recovery of an image with approximately $s$-sparse gradient from $m \gtrsimd s \cdot \log2(s) \cdot \log4(N)$ measurements, in $d \geq 1$ dimensions. When $d = 2$, this improves the current state-of-the-art result by a factor of $\log(s) \cdot \log(N)$. It also extends it to arbitrary dimensions $d \geq 2$. For Walsh sampling, we prove that $m \gtrsimd s \cdot \log2(s) \cdot \log2(N/s) \cdot \log3(N) $ measurements suffice in $d \geq 2$ dimensions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first recovery guarantee for structured binary sampling with TV minimization.

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