Emergent Mind


Data prefetching, i.e., the act of predicting application's future memory accesses and fetching those that are not in the on-chip caches, is a well-known and widely-used approach to hide the long latency of memory accesses. The fruitfulness of data prefetching is evident to both industry and academy: nowadays, almost every high-performance processor incorporates a few data prefetchers for capturing various access patterns of applications; besides, there is a myriad of proposals for data prefetching in the research literature, where each proposal enhances the efficiency of prefetching in a specific way. In this survey, we discuss the fundamental concepts in data prefetching and study state-of-the-art hardware data prefetching approaches. Additional Key Words and Phrases: Data Prefetching, Scale-Out Workloads, Server Processors, and Spatio-Temporal Correlation.

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