Emergent Mind

Low-rank matrix recovery with non-quadratic loss: projected gradient method and regularity projection oracle

Published Aug 31, 2020 in stat.ML , cs.LG , math.OC , math.ST , and stat.TH


Existing results for low-rank matrix recovery largely focus on quadratic loss, which enjoys favorable properties such as restricted strong convexity/smoothness (RSC/RSM) and well conditioning over all low rank matrices. However, many interesting problems involve more general, non-quadratic losses, which do not satisfy such properties. For these problems, standard nonconvex approaches such as rank-constrained projected gradient descent (a.k.a. iterative hard thresholding) and Burer-Monteiro factorization could have poor empirical performance, and there is no satisfactory theory guaranteeing global and fast convergence for these algorithms. In this paper, we show that a critical component in provable low-rank recovery with non-quadratic loss is a regularity projection oracle. This oracle restricts iterates to low-rank matrices within an appropriate bounded set, over which the loss function is well behaved and satisfies a set of approximate RSC/RSM conditions. Accordingly, we analyze an (averaged) projected gradient method equipped with such an oracle, and prove that it converges globally and linearly. Our results apply to a wide range of non-quadratic low-rank estimation problems including one bit matrix sensing/completion, individualized rank aggregation, and more broadly generalized linear models with rank constraints.

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