Emergent Mind

Collectively canalizing Boolean functions

Published Aug 31, 2020 in cs.DM , math.CO , and q-bio.MN


This paper studies the mathematical properties of collectively canalizing Boolean functions, a class of functions that has arisen from applications in systems biology. Boolean networks are an increasingly popular modeling framework for regulatory networks, and the class of functions studied here captures a key feature of biological network dynamics, namely that a subset of one or more variables, under certain conditions, can dominate the value of a Boolean function, to the exclusion of all others. These functions have rich mathematical properties to be explored. The paper shows how the number and type of such sets influence a function's behavior and define a new measure for the canalizing strength of any Boolean function. We further connect the concept of collective canalization with the well-studied concept of the average sensitivity of a Boolean function. The relationship between Boolean functions and the dynamics of the networks they form is important in a wide range of applications beyond biology, such as computer science, and has been studied with statistical and simulation-based methods. But the rich relationship between structure and dynamics remains largely unexplored, and this paper is intended as a contribution to its mathematical foundation.

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