Emergent Mind

Scientific Paper Recommendation: A Survey

Published Aug 10, 2020 in cs.IR


Globally, recommendation services have become important due to the fact that they support e-commerce applications and different research communities. Recommender systems have a large number of applications in many fields including economic, education, and scientific research. Different empirical studies have shown that recommender systems are more effective and reliable than keyword-based search engines for extracting useful knowledge from massive amounts of data. The problem of recommending similar scientific articles in scientific community is called scientific paper recommendation. Scientific paper recommendation aims to recommend new articles or classical articles that match researchers' interests. It has become an attractive area of study since the number of scholarly papers increases exponentially. In this survey, we first introduce the importance and advantages of paper recommender systems. Second, we review the recommendation algorithms and methods, such as Content-Based methods, Collaborative Filtering methods, Graph-Based methods and Hybrid methods. Then, we introduce the evaluation methods of different recommender systems. Finally, we summarize open issues in the paper recommender systems, including cold start, sparsity, scalability, privacy, serendipity and unified scholarly data standards. The purpose of this survey is to provide comprehensive reviews on scholarly paper recommendation.

Collaborative filtering system for recommending research papers.


  • The paper provides a comprehensive survey on Scientific Paper Recommender Systems, covering various algorithms and methods, challenges faced, and evaluation metrics used.

  • Key methods discussed include Content-Based Filtering, Collaborative Filtering, Graph-Based Methods, and Hybrid Methods, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Challenges such as cold start, sparsity, scalability, privacy, serendipity, and the need for unified scholarly data standards are highlighted, emphasizing areas for future research.

What You Need to Know About Scientific Paper Recommender Systems


Scientific Paper Recommender Systems have become a significant tool to help researchers find relevant academic papers amidst an increasing sea of publications. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of various algorithms and methods used in these systems, alongside the challenges they face and the evaluation metrics used to assess their performance.

Key Methods in Paper Recommendation

Content-Based Filtering (CBF)

How It Works: CBF recommends papers similar to what a user has shown interest in by analyzing the content. It mainly relies on keywords extracted from the title, abstract, and the body of research papers to build user profiles and item representations.


  • Personalization: Offers highly personalized recommendations based on individual preferences.
  • Independence: Does not rely on other users' data, which is helpful when there's a lack of user interaction.


  • Over-Specialization: Recommends papers too similar to the ones you have already read, missing out on potentially interesting but different topics.
  • Difficulty with New Users: Requires historical data to build effective user profiles, posing challenges for new users.

Collaborative Filtering (CF)

How It Works: CF suggests papers based on the interests of other users who have similar tastes. It can be further divided into:

  1. User-Based CF: Finds users with similar tastes and recommends what they liked.
  2. Item-Based CF: Recommends items (papers) similar to what the user has liked.


  • Serendipity: More likely to recommend unexpected but relevant papers because it factors in the preferences of similar users.
  • Quality: Often includes diverse perspectives, leading to potentially higher-quality recommendations.


  • Cold Start: Struggles to recommend effectively for new users or new papers with no ratings.
  • Sparsity: Works less efficiently when user-item interaction data is sparse.

Graph-Based Methods

How It Works: Constructs graphs where nodes represent papers and edges represent relationships like citations or co-authorships. Algorithms such as random walk are used to explore the graph to find relevant papers.


  • Rich Context: Can consider various relationships like citations, co-authorships, etc.
  • Comprehensive: Often able to utilize data from multiple sources, enhancing recommendation quality.


  • Complexity: Requires sophisticated graph analysis algorithms which can be computationally expensive.
  • Content Ignorance: Doesn't consider the actual content of papers, which may limit effectiveness.

Hybrid Methods

How It Works: Combines the strengths of multiple methods like CBF, CF, and Graph-Based to mitigate the weaknesses of individual methods.


  • Versatility: Can offer more accurate and diverse recommendations.
  • Flexibility: Can handle various data types and user scenarios.


  • Complexity: Combining several methods can make the system more complex and harder to maintain.
  • Resource Intensive: Generally requires more computational resources.

Evaluation Metrics

Various metrics are used to evaluate the efficacy of scientific paper recommender systems:

  • Precision: Measures the fraction of recommended papers that are relevant.
  • Recall: Measures the fraction of relevant papers that are recommended.
  • F-measure: Harmonic mean of precision and recall, balancing both.
  • NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain): Evaluates the quality of the ranked list by considering the position of relevant papers.
  • MAP (Mean Average Precision): Average precision scores across all users.
  • MRR (Mean Reciprocal Rank): Considers the rank position of the first relevant paper.

Challenges and Open Issues

  1. Cold Start: Struggles with recommending new users or new papers due to a lack of historical data.
  2. Sparsity: Difficulty in creating effective recommendations due to insufficient interaction data.
  3. Scalability: Ensuring the system remains efficient as the dataset grows larger.
  4. Privacy: Balancing personalized recommendations while safeguarding user privacy.
  5. Serendipity: Introducing diversity to avoid over-specialization and encourage discovery of new topics.
  6. Unified Scholarly Data Standards: Developing standardized data formats for better interoperability across platforms.


Scientific Paper Recommender Systems are crucial for navigating the deluge of academic literature. By combining multiple recommendation techniques and addressing existing challenges, they can significantly enhance research productivity and discovery. Future research should focus on refining algorithms, enhancing scalability, and ensuring privacy to create more robust and reliable systems.

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