Emergent Mind

Semi-Supervised Data Programming with Subset Selection

Published Aug 22, 2020 in cs.LG and stat.ML


The paradigm of data programming, which uses weak supervision in the form of rules/labelling functions, and semi-supervised learning, which augments small amounts of labelled data with a large unlabelled dataset, have shown great promise in several text classification scenarios. In this work, we argue that by not using any labelled data, data programming based approaches can yield sub-optimal performances, particularly when the labelling functions are noisy. The first contribution of this work is an introduction of a framework, \model which is a semi-supervised data programming paradigm that learns a \emph{joint model} that effectively uses the rules/labelling functions along with semi-supervised loss functions on the feature space. Next, we also study \modelss which additionally does subset selection on top of the joint semi-supervised data programming objective and \emph{selects} a set of examples that can be used as the labelled set by \model. The goal of \modelss is to ensure that the labelled data can \emph{complement} the labelling functions, thereby benefiting from both data-programming as well as appropriately selected data for human labelling. We demonstrate that by effectively combining semi-supervision, data-programming, and subset selection paradigms, we significantly outperform the current state-of-the-art on seven publicly available datasets. \footnote{The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/ayushbits/Semi-Supervised-LFs-Subset-Selection}}

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