Emergent Mind

Inter-Image Communication for Weakly Supervised Localization

Published Aug 12, 2020 in cs.CV


Weakly supervised localization aims at finding target object regions using only image-level supervision. However, localization maps extracted from classification networks are often not accurate due to the lack of fine pixel-level supervision. In this paper, we propose to leverage pixel-level similarities across different objects for learning more accurate object locations in a complementary way. Particularly, two kinds of constraints are proposed to prompt the consistency of object features within the same categories. The first constraint is to learn the stochastic feature consistency among discriminative pixels that are randomly sampled from different images within a batch. The discriminative information embedded in one image can be leveraged to benefit its counterpart with inter-image communication. The second constraint is to learn the global consistency of object features throughout the entire dataset. We learn a feature center for each category and realize the global feature consistency by forcing the object features to approach class-specific centers. The global centers are actively updated with the training process. The two constraints can benefit each other to learn consistent pixel-level features within the same categories, and finally improve the quality of localization maps. We conduct extensive experiments on two popular benchmarks, i.e., ILSVRC and CUB-200-2011. Our method achieves the Top-1 localization error rate of 45.17% on the ILSVRC validation set, surpassing the current state-of-the-art method by a large margin. The code is available at https://github.com/xiaomengyc/I2C.

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