Emergent Mind

The Annotation Guideline of LST20 Corpus

Published Aug 12, 2020 in cs.CL


This report presents the annotation guideline for LST20, a large-scale corpus with multiple layers of linguistic annotation for Thai language processing. Our guideline consists of five layers of linguistic annotation: word segmentation, POS tagging, named entities, clause boundaries, and sentence boundaries. The dataset complies to the CoNLL-2003-style format for ease of use. LST20 Corpus offers five layers of linguistic annotation as aforementioned. At a large scale, it consists of 3,164,864 words, 288,020 named entities, 248,962 clauses, and 74,180 sentences, while it is annotated with 16 distinct POS tags. All 3,745 documents are also annotated with 15 news genres. Regarding its sheer size, this dataset is considered large enough for developing joint neural models for NLP. With the existence of this publicly available corpus, Thai has become a linguistically rich language for the first time.

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