Emergent Mind


This paper studies the design of feedback controllers to steer a switching linear time-invariant dynamical system towards the solution trajectory of a time-varying convex optimization problem. We propose two types of controllers: (i) a continuous controller inspired by the online gradient descent method, and (ii) a hybrid controller that can be interpreted as an online version of Nesterov's accelerated gradient method with restarts of the state variables. By design, the controllers continuously steer the system towards the time-varying optimizer without requiring knowledge of exogenous disturbances affecting the system. For cost functions that are smooth and satisfy the Polyak-\L ojasiewicz inequality, we demonstrate that the online gradient-flow controller ensures uniform global exponential stability when the time scales of the system and controller are sufficiently separated and the switching signal of the system varies slowly on average. For cost functions that are strongly convex, we show that the hybrid accelerated controller outperforms the continuous gradient descent method. When the cost function is not strongly convex, we show that the the hybrid accelerated method guarantees global practical asymptotic stability.

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