Emergent Mind


Context: To attract, onboard, and retain any new-comer in Open Source Software (OSS) projects is vital to their livelihood. Recent studies conclude that OSS projects risk failure due to abandonment and poor participation of newcomers. Evidence suggests more new users are joining GitHub, however, the extent to which they contribute to OSS projects is unknown. Objective: In this study, we coin the term 'newcomer candidate' to describe new users to the GitHub platform. Our objective is to track and characterize their initial contributions. As a preliminary survey, we collected 208 newcomer candidate contributions in GitHub. Using this dataset, we then plan to track their contributions to reveal insights. Method: We will use a mixed-methods approach, i.e., quantitative and qualitative, to identify whether or not newcomer candidates practice social coding, the kinds of their contributions, projects they target, and the proportion that they eventually onboard to an OSS project. Limitation: The key limitation is that our newcomer candidates are restricted to those that were collected from our preliminary survey.

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