Emergent Mind

One word at a time: adversarial attacks on retrieval models

Published Aug 5, 2020 in cs.IR


Adversarial examples, generated by applying small perturbations to input features, are widely used to fool classifiers and measure their robustness to noisy inputs. However, little work has been done to evaluate the robustness of ranking models through adversarial examples. In this work, we present a systematic approach of leveraging adversarial examples to measure the robustness of popular ranking models. We explore a simple method to generate adversarial examples that forces a ranker to incorrectly rank the documents. Using this approach, we analyze the robustness of various ranking models and the quality of perturbations generated by the adversarial attacker across two datasets. Our findings suggest that with very few token changes (1-3), the attacker can yield semantically similar perturbed documents that can fool different rankers into changing a document's score, lowering its rank by several positions.

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