Emergent Mind

Duality for powerset coalgebras

Published Aug 4, 2020 in math.LO and cs.LO


Let CABA be the category of complete and atomic boolean algebras and complete boolean homomorphisms, and let CSL be the category of complete meet-semilattices and complete meet-homomorphisms. We show that the forgetful functor from CABA to CSL has a left adjoint. This allows us to describe an endofunctor H on CABA such that the category Alg(H) of algebras for H is dually equivalent to the category Coalg(P) of coalgebras for the powerset endofunctor P on Set. As a consequence, we derive Thomason duality from Tarski duality, thus paralleling how J\'onsson-Tarski duality is derived from Stone duality.

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