Emergent Mind

Composer Style Classification of Piano Sheet Music Images Using Language Model Pretraining

Published Jul 29, 2020 in cs.CV , cs.CL , and cs.LG


This paper studies composer style classification of piano sheet music images. Previous approaches to the composer classification task have been limited by a scarcity of data. We address this issue in two ways: (1) we recast the problem to be based on raw sheet music images rather than a symbolic music format, and (2) we propose an approach that can be trained on unlabeled data. Our approach first converts the sheet music image into a sequence of musical "words" based on the bootleg feature representation, and then feeds the sequence into a text classifier. We show that it is possible to significantly improve classifier performance by first training a language model on a set of unlabeled data, initializing the classifier with the pretrained language model weights, and then finetuning the classifier on a small amount of labeled data. We train AWD-LSTM, GPT-2, and RoBERTa language models on all piano sheet music images in IMSLP. We find that transformer-based architectures outperform CNN and LSTM models, and pretraining boosts classification accuracy for the GPT-2 model from 46\% to 70\% on a 9-way classification task. The trained model can also be used as a feature extractor that projects piano sheet music into a feature space that characterizes compositional style.

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