Emergent Mind

Optimal Probabilistic Motion Planning with Potential Infeasible LTL Constraints

Published Jul 28, 2020 in cs.RO , cs.FL , cs.SY , and eess.SY


This paper studies optimal motion planning subject to motion and environment uncertainties. By modeling the system as a probabilistic labeled Markov decision process (PL-MDP), the control objective is to synthesize a finite-memory policy, under which the agent satisfies complex high-level tasks expressed as linear temporal logic (LTL) with desired satisfaction probability. In particular, the cost optimization of the trajectory that satisfies infinite horizon tasks is considered, and the trade-off between reducing the expected mean cost and maximizing the probability of task satisfaction is analyzed. Instead of using traditional Rabin automata, the LTL formulas are converted to limit-deterministic B\"uchi automata (LDBA) with a reachability acceptance condition and a compact graph structure. The novelty of this work lies in considering the cases where LTL specifications can be potentially infeasible and developing a relaxed product MDP between PL-MDP and LDBA. The relaxed product MDP allows the agent to revise its motion plan whenever the task is not fully feasible and quantify the revised plan's violation measurement. A multi-objective optimization problem is then formulated to jointly consider the probability of task satisfaction, the violation with respect to original task constraints, and the implementation cost of the policy execution. The formulated problem can be solved via coupled linear programs. To the best of our knowledge, this work first bridges the gap between probabilistic planning revision of potential infeasible LTL specifications and optimal control synthesis of both plan prefix and plan suffix of the trajectory over the infinite horizons. Experimental results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

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