Emergent Mind

The Complexity of the Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem

Published Jul 27, 2020 in cs.DS , cs.CC , and cs.DC


We study the complexity of the Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DCSP) on a synchronous, anonymous network from a theoretical standpoint. In this setting, variables and constraints are controlled by agents which communicate with each other by sending messages through fixed communication channels. Our results endorse the well-known fact from classical CSPs that the complexity of fixed-template computational problems depends on the template's invariance under certain operations. Specifically, we show that DCSP($\Gamma$) is polynomial-time tractable if and only if $\Gamma$ is invariant under symmetric polymorphisms of all arities. Otherwise, there are no algorithms that solve DCSP($\Gamma$) in finite time. We also show that the same condition holds for the search variant of DCSP. Collaterally, our results unveil a feature of the processes' neighbourhood in a distributed network, its iterated degree, which plays a major role in the analysis. We explore this notion establishing a tight connection with the basic linear programming relaxation of a CSP.

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