Emergent Mind

Fast and Precise On-the-fly Patch Validation for All

Published Jul 22, 2020 in cs.SE


Generate-and-validate (G&V) automated program repair (APR) techniques have been extensively studied during the past decade. Meanwhile, such techniques can be extremely time-consuming due to manipulation of the program code to fabricate a large number of patches and also repeated executions of tests on patches to identify potential fixes. PraPR, a recent G&V APR technique, reduces these costs by modifying program code directly at the level of compiled bytecode, and further performing on-the-fly patching by allowing multiple patches to be tested within the same JVM session. However, PraPR is limited due to its pattern-based, bytecode-level nature and it is basically unsound/imprecise as it assumes that patch executions do not change global JVM state and affect later patch executions on the same JVM session. Inspired by the PraPR work, we propose a unified patch validation framework, named UniAPR, which aims to speed up the patch validation for both bytecode and source-code APR via on-the-fly patching; furthermore, UniAPR addresses the imprecise patch validation issue by resetting the JVM global state via runtime bytecode transformation. We have implemented UniAPR as a fully automated Maven Plugin. We have also performed the first study of on-the-fly patch validation for state-of-the-art source-code-level APR. Our experiments show the first empirical evidence that vanilla on-the-fly patch validation can be imprecise/unsound; in contrast, our UniAPR framework can speed up state-of-the-art APR by over an order of magnitude without incurring any imprecision in patch validation, enabling all existing APR techniques to explore a larger search space to fix more bugs in the near future. Furthermore, UniAPR directly enables hybrid source and bytecode APR to fix substantially more bugs than all state-of-the-art APR techniques (under the same time limit) in the near future.

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