Emergent Mind


Most person re-identification methods, being supervised techniques, suffer from the burden of massive annotation requirement. Unsupervised methods overcome this need for labeled data, but perform poorly compared to the supervised alternatives. In order to cope with this issue, we introduce the problem of learning person re-identification models from videos with weak supervision. The weak nature of the supervision arises from the requirement of video-level labels, i.e. person identities who appear in the video, in contrast to the more precise framelevel annotations. Towards this goal, we propose a multiple instance attention learning framework for person re-identification using such video-level labels. Specifically, we first cast the video person re-identification task into a multiple instance learning setting, in which person images in a video are collected into a bag. The relations between videos with similar labels can be utilized to identify persons, on top of that, we introduce a co-person attention mechanism which mines the similarity correlations between videos with person identities in common. The attention weights are obtained based on all person images instead of person tracklets in a video, making our learned model less affected by noisy annotations. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the related methods on two weakly labeled person re-identification datasets.

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