Emergent Mind


We show a $2{n/2+o(n)}$-time algorithm that finds a (non-zero) vector in a lattice $\mathcal{L} \subset \mathbb{R}n$ with norm at most $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})\cdot \min{\lambda1(\mathcal{L}), \det(\mathcal{L}){1/n}}$, where $\lambda1(\mathcal{L})$ is the length of a shortest non-zero lattice vector and $\det(\mathcal{L})$ is the lattice determinant. Minkowski showed that $\lambda1(\mathcal{L}) \leq \sqrt{n} \det(\mathcal{L}){1/n}$ and that there exist lattices with $\lambda1(\mathcal{L}) \geq \Omega(\sqrt{n}) \cdot \det(\mathcal{L}){1/n}$, so that our algorithm finds vectors that are as short as possible relative to the determinant (up to a polylogarithmic factor). The main technical contribution behind this result is new analysis of (a simpler variant of) an algorithm from arXiv:1412.7994, which was only previously known to solve less useful problems. To achieve this, we rely crucially on the ``reverse Minkowski theorem'' (conjectured by Dadush arXiv:1606.06913 and proven by arXiv:1611.05979), which can be thought of as a partial converse to the fact that $\lambda1(\mathcal{L}) \leq \sqrt{n} \det(\mathcal{L}){1/n}$. Previously, the fastest known algorithm for finding such a vector was the $2{.802n + o(n)}$-time algorithm due to [Liu, Wang, Xu, and Zheng, 2011], which actually found a non-zero lattice vector with length $O(1) \cdot \lambda1(\mathcal{L})$. Though we do not show how to find lattice vectors with this length in time $2{n/2+o(n)}$, we do show that our algorithm suffices for the most important application of such algorithms: basis reduction. In particular, we show a modified version of Gama and Nguyen's slide-reduction algorithm [Gama and Nguyen, STOC 2008], which can be combined with the algorithm above to improve the time-length tradeoff for shortest-vector algorithms in nearly all regimes, including the regimes relevant to cryptography.

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