Emergent Mind

Flow-augmentation II: Undirected graphs

Published Jul 17, 2020 in cs.DS


We present an undirected version of the recently introduced flow-augmentation technique: Given an undirected multigraph $G$ with distinguished vertices $s,t \in V(G)$ and an integer $k$, one can in randomized $k{O(1)} \cdot (|V(G)| + |E(G)|)$ time sample a set $A \subseteq \binom{V(G)}{2}$ such that the following holds: for every inclusion-wise minimal $st$-cut $Z$ in $G$ of cardinality at most $k$, $Z$ becomes a minimum-cardinality cut between $s$ and $t$ in $G+A$ (i.e., in the multigraph $G$ with all edges of $A$ added) with probability $2{-O(k \log k)}$. Compared to the version for directed graphs [STOC 2022], the version presented here has improved success probability ($2{-O(k \log k)}$ instead of $2{-O(k4 \log k)}$), linear dependency on the graph size in the running time bound, and an arguably simpler proof. An immediate corollary is that the Bi-objective $st$-Cut problem can be solved in randomized FPT time $2{O(k \log k)} (|V(G)|+|E(G)|)$ on undirected graphs.

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