Emergent Mind

An improved procedure for colouring graphs of bounded local density

Published Jul 15, 2020 in math.CO and cs.DM


We develop an improved bound for the chromatic number of graphs of maximum degree $\Delta$ under the assumption that the number of edges spanning any neighbourhood is at most $(1-\sigma)\binom{\Delta}{2}$ for some fixed $0<\sigma<1$. The leading term in the reduction of colours achieved through this bound is best possible as $\sigma\to0$. As two consequences, we advance the state of the art in two longstanding and well-studied graph colouring conjectures, the Erd\H{o}s-Ne\v{s}et\v{r}il conjecture and Reed's conjecture. We prove that the strong chromatic index is at most $1.772\Delta2$ for any graph $G$ with sufficiently large maximum degree $\Delta$. We prove that the chromatic number is at most $\lceil 0.881(\Delta+1)+0.119\omega\rceil$ for any graph $G$ with clique number $\omega$ and sufficiently large maximum degree $\Delta$. Additionally, we show how our methods can be adapted under the additional assumption that the codegree is at most $(1-\sigma)\Delta$, and establish what may be considered first progress towards a conjecture of Vu.

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