Emergent Mind

ManiGen: A Manifold Aided Black-box Generator of Adversarial Examples

Published Jul 11, 2020 in cs.CR , cs.LG , and stat.ML


Machine learning models, especially neural network (NN) classifiers, have acceptable performance and accuracy that leads to their wide adoption in different aspects of our daily lives. The underlying assumption is that these models are generated and used in attack free scenarios. However, it has been shown that neural network based classifiers are vulnerable to adversarial examples. Adversarial examples are inputs with special perturbations that are ignored by human eyes while can mislead NN classifiers. Most of the existing methods for generating such perturbations require a certain level of knowledge about the target classifier, which makes them not very practical. For example, some generators require knowledge of pre-softmax logits while others utilize prediction scores. In this paper, we design a practical black-box adversarial example generator, dubbed ManiGen. ManiGen does not require any knowledge of the inner state of the target classifier. It generates adversarial examples by searching along the manifold, which is a concise representation of input data. Through extensive set of experiments on different datasets, we show that (1) adversarial examples generated by ManiGen can mislead standalone classifiers by being as successful as the state-of-the-art white-box generator, Carlini, and (2) adversarial examples generated by ManiGen can more effectively attack classifiers with state-of-the-art defenses.

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