Emergent Mind

Target set selection with maximum activation time

Published Jul 10, 2020 in cs.DS , cs.CC , and math.CO


A target set selection model is a graph $G$ with a threshold function $\tau:V\to \mathbb{N}$ upper-bounded by the vertex degree. For a given model, a set $S0\subseteq V(G)$ is a target set if $V(G)$ can be partitioned into non-empty subsets $S0,S1,\dotsc,St$ such that, for $i \in {1, \ldots, t}$, $Si$ contains exactly every vertex $v$ having at least $\tau(v)$ neighbors in $S0\cup\dots\cup S{i-1}$. We say that $t$ is the activation time $t{\tau}(S0)$ of the target set $S0$. The problem of, given such a model, finding a target set of minimum size has been extensively studied in the literature. In this article, we investigate its variant, which we call TSS-time, in which the goal is to find a target set $S0$ that maximizes $t{\tau}(S0)$. That is, given a graph $G$, a threshold function $\tau$ in $G$, and an integer $k$, the objective of the TSS-time problem is to decide whether $G$ contains a target set $S0$ such that $t{\tau}(S0)\geq k$. Let $\tau* = \max{v \in V(G)} \tau(v)$. Our main result is the following dichotomy about the complexity of TSS-time when $G$ belongs to a minor-closed graph class ${\cal C}$: if ${\cal C}$ has bounded local treewidth, the problem is FPT parameterized by $k$ and $\tau{\star}$; otherwise, it is NP-complete even for fixed $k=4$ and $\tau{\star}=2$. We also prove that, with $\tau*=2$, the problem is NP-hard in bipartite graphs for fixed $k=5$, and from previous results we observe that TSS-time is NP-hard in planar graphs and W[1]-hard parameterized by treewidth. Finally, we present a linear-time algorithm to find a target set $S0$ in a given tree maximizing $t{\tau}(S0)$.

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